13x20cm, 44 pages
digital printing on matte paper
saddle-stitch binding
organized & edited by Romeu Silveira
published by zero-Editions
printed, shipped and
distributed by MagCloud
This zine was created from the simple premise of putting images in contact, which is something basic in the assembly of a zine, or any other type of publication with images, and so we thought it would be interesting to start this division of zines called XPRESS in this way, since it is something that will be characteristic in our work, especially when it comes to found imagens.
13x20cm, 44 pages
digital printing on matte paper
saddle-stitch binding
organized & edited by Romeu Silveira
published by zero-Editions
printed, shipped and
distributed by MagCloud
This zine was created from the simple premise of putting images in contact, which is something basic in the assembly of a zine, or any other type of publication with images, and so we thought it would be interesting to start this division of zines called XPRESS in this way, since it is something that will be characteristic in our work, especially when it comes to found imagens.