It's well known that Instagram Stories don't disappear after 24 hours, but are stored for years by the platform. In the book Stories/To store we present a collection of Stories appropriated over the past two years, in different moments and contexts. Inspired by Susan Sontag's words in her book "Regarding the Pain of Others" where she states that "a photograph book is a book of quotations”, in this project the images are accompanied by excerpts from books by writers such as Albert Camus, Clarice Lispector, Pedro Lemebel, Jennifer Egan, Anne Carson, Siri Hustvedt, Paul Auster, Ursula K Le Guin, Jean Genet, David Foster-Wallace, James Joyce, Lydia Davis, bell hooks, JG Ballard, Virginie Despentes, among others. This book is a continuation of our research around image collections, appropriation and digital reproducibility.