the world as a stage, a film by the-iconomist

From September 20th — October 31th, 2024

"The World as a Stage" is an experimental film based on images from public security cameras. Evoking William Shakespeare's famous phrase, the title suggests that everyday life is constantly under observation, turning us all into actors who play our parts in front of an invisible audience. Just as in the poem "All the World's a Stage", where each person plays their part in the great play of life, modern surveillance puts us on a global stage, where our every move is recorded and monitored. This film explores this dynamic, revealing how the constant presence of cameras alters our perception of privacy and behavior. This film is an extension of #issue5 of THE ICONOMIST released in July conceived as a multi-channel digital installation, in which four cameras in different locations are observed simultaneously, with the commentary coming from this control room. "The World as a Stage" also features voiceover fragments of Shakespeare's poem, the text that opens the magazine issue and a collection of headlines from news websites forming a poem about digital everyday life.



June 22, 2024 — 13:30 to 17:30 PM

A free zone or "freeport" is an isolated and delimited region within a country, usually located in or near a port, where national or foreign goods enter without being subject to normal customs tariffs. In this workshop, we propose the creation of a free zone for the appropriation of images, without being subject to copyright or intellectual property issues, for the creation of a special publication using a collection of images presented at the opening of the workshop. The first edition of the workshop took place during the closing of the aí residency program.



From July 3, 2023 

xpress is the zine imprint of zero-Editions, dedicated to publications up to 88 pages in 13x20 format. These publications can be launched at any time, with printed editions available and distributed via POD. xpress comes as a new space where we can exercise and expand our research into digital image collecting.


vvvoyeur: redux

From June 11 — August 31, 2023
To celebrate the release of the book VVVoyeur, we host a video cut of over two hours in length compiling the two seasons of the process that led to the book. VVVoyeur is a video series of virtual travels  that took place in an alternate version of Google Street View between 2021 and 2022. The VVVoyeur photobook is constructed through a selection of images taken from each of the twenty episodes that make up the project. From these trips we navigate through the controversies surrounding the capture of images for a geolocation service, and especially, how ordinary people, amateurs deal with the possibility of recording their community, their surroundings, their personal landscapes. In VVVoyeur we are transported inside supermarkets, offices, dilapidated schools, to the top of broadcast antennas, to family reunions. We are the witnesses to the captured moments, we are complicit in the theft of these images.


contretemps or attempts to exhaust a place in paris

50m40s, 1920x1080px, HD video, sound, color     
Inspired by the book written by Georges Perec, this film-diary was assembled as a walk, a train ride, a compilation of observations and references of the process developed during residency at Cité internationale des arts, between January and March 2020, which originated the book Contretemps published by zero-Editions in 2021. By being an extension of this project, it can only be accessed through the QR Code present in the book published or any other publication from this series.