Year: 2021
Edited by Romeu Silveira
Graphic design by frombrazilwithlovestudio
140x210 mm, 288 pages
ISBN: 978-65-991687-2-7
Delivery: 2-7 days (Brazil),
15-30 days (International)

$170 BRL

$25 USD

︎PT ︎EN

A project developed by visual artist Romeu Silveira during his residency at the Cité internationale des arts, in Paris, between January and March 2020. The book is an inventory of events and images that collide and affect each other within a montage based on the overlapping of temporalities and senses. It is a visual diary produced in the tension of a world that was about to close and change completely because of the pandemic. It is a research that takes as a starting point the possibilities of translation of the word "contretemps", both in French and Portuguese, to generate an experimental process that reveals itself in series of collages, photographic series, objects, sound installations, video performances, artist books and interventions in printed media.The book Contretemps can also be found in the collection of the photography books library of the Instituto Moreira Salles in São Paulo, in the collection of the Roméo Martinez library of the MEP-Maison Européenne de la photographie and in the library of contemporary art of the Beaux-Arts de Paris.

“The book is a fast-paced visual journey with each page jam-packed with a collage of elements – classic street photography of Paris, sketchbook pages, barcodes, pictures yanked from the internet, self-portraits, artworks gleaned from the city’s museums and galleries, and even pictures from back home. The immediacy, the urgency of now remains clear, as Silveria’s work reads like a diary, a confessional, but also full of incredible confidence and charisma.”